Just a little information for you.
There have been a few people asking if they could send me a package or mail. Well, of course.
Address to: George and Katina Otieno
PO BOX 203
Isibania, Kenya Africa 40414
You can also call me if you would like to hear my voice.. lol
plus sign 254-08211177
And of course you can send emails.. katinascreations@gmail.com
I also can FaceTime with anyone that has an apple device. Thats only if you would like to see me. lol
I pray this post finds you well. I also pray that if there is anyone who is wanting to ask questions or just talk to call or email, I would truly love to hear from you. As much as I love Kenya and the Kenyans I also love my family and friends back in the states. Yes, my life has changed drastically and God has blessed me with tremendous peace in being here, but I do at times miss being in the states.
Thank You all so much for your support, whether it is prayerfully and/or financially. You are all a big part of this amazing journey.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV)
Have a blessed day and enjoy this amazing Christmas Holiday!
In service for the King,